The Speakers of 2009


Some people say JSConf in April 2009 in Washington DC created the JavaScript community, others call it the best tech conference ever. Pretty much everybody who was there agrees that the conference had a very special spirit. With we try to let that spirit live on and give JavaScript a home in Europe.

Here is how Chris Williams, the man behind the original JSConf, put the goals behind JSConf:

JSConf 2009 is a conference devoted to the programming language we all love to hate and hate to love, JavaScript. This is conference will be thoughtful, content driven, and exemplify the very nature of JavaScript. The core focus of this conference is to expose some of the details about JavaScript that are often overlooked and present them more as a discussion with the audience. The content of the conference should cater to all types of JavaScript users from client interfaces to server development to testing. No matter which programming language you love, you know of the pleasure and pain of JavaScript programming.

Come to this conference if you love JavaScript, come if you hate it, come if you don't even know how to program. Whatever drives you to come, you can be sure of one thing, there will be a lot of exciting and invigorating discussions to be had. After all, we are talking about JavaScript here and its used by every web framework.

We are trying to conduct this conference in such a manner that it addresses the core issues of the community as well as announcing cutting edge technologies in a language that often gets overlooked. The content and conference style will be different from most other conferences, not barcamp-style and not multi-track style, but somewhere between the two.

We are trying to make something different and we are trying to do it with JavaScript.

Who are "We"?

jan_lenhardt.jpgJan Lehnardt, Berlin @janl
Jan is an Apache CouchDB committer and co-founder of Relaxed, Inc. He is hacking on all parts of the web technology stack and focusses on making developer's lives easier.

holger-blank.pngHolger Blank, Hamburg @hblank
Holger is as Managing Director in charge of the technology department of the SinnerSchrader interactive agency. He is engaged with web-tech since 1994. After several different occupational stops, i.e. at Oracle, he started working at SinnerSchrader in 1999 and became Managing Partner in 2004. Currently he is thrilled by the even faster evolvement of web technologies than ever.

malte_ubl.jpgMalte Ubl, Hamburg @cramforce
Malte specializes in web based rocket science for Germany's leading internet agency SinnerSchrader. Socialized with Smalltalk in the 90s Malte later explored the depth of Perl and most other programming languages until falling in love with JavaScript. He is the creator of the Joose meta object system which transfer concepts from a multitude of programming languages into JavaScript in a way that feels both powerful and native to the core language.
Malte likes to build stuff. You might meet him on the web doing web worker integration for bespin, tracking the one event loop to rule them all, saving the environment or inventing massively parallel crowd-sourced JavaScript app server clouds.

Get in touch!


